

samedi 24 novembre 2012

Olombelona aho satria... Can you write in malagasy?

Olombelona aho satria... Can you write in malagasy?



 Olombelona aho, satria mahay miakanjo sy mahalala ny haingo antonona ahy.

Jean J. RAJOELISOLO, Tiako ka vakiko, Ed Luthériennes (TPFLM),1971, p99.

Writing task:

Look at the sentence, and use it as an example, if you were
a bird (see the malagasy dictionaries on the web for words).

a bird: manidina (fly), misavoana (float), mandeha lavitra ( go far away), mahita tany (see countries), ...

Vorona aho, satria mahay.....

vendredi 16 novembre 2012

Ny hofatrano? the rent

Ny hofatrano? 

Renting an appartment is quite a problem in Madagascar. Generally speaking, in a list of 208 countries rated according to gross national income per capita for 2003 the World  bank places Madagascar at position 187, just 21 places from the bottom. Concerning the rents, first the buildings do not meet the requirements of a decent place of living. Second because of the recent political problems, many people were fired from their jobs and could not make the ends meet nor pay their rents. On top of that population growth is steadfast although collective house building does not exist.  Moreover the world bank estimates that each Malagasy earns only US$290 per year, although the monthly rent is around 250.000 FMG to 500.000 Fmg (iray alina/ roa alina ariary) for 20m2. Consequently crimes rate increases. Therefore building new low-rent blocks of appartements seems to be the solution. http://mada.moreorless.au.com/problems/

Prices of staple in Madagascar by 01/30/2012

Rice : 1 500 Ar/ 7 500 fmg per kilo
Sugar : 2 500 Ar/ 12 500 fmg per kilo
Flour : 1 800 Ar/ 9 000 fmg per kilo
Oil : 4 700 Ar/ 23 500 fmg  per liter
(source madaplus)

mercredi 14 novembre 2012

ny ankizy teraka taty andafy ve mahay miteny gasy?

watch the video on : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vvl9eRfZwlo

A-Maninona no tsy miteny malagasy ireo ankizy Malagasy teraka taty an-dafy?
Fenoy ny banga amin’ireto teny ireto teny ireto:
-teny Malagasy
- mpampianatra
-teny frantsay


1-Zanakay taty no ….
2-Aty no ….
3-Aty no ….
4-Ary efa aty ny …..
5-Ka tsy hita intsony izany ny ilana ny………..
6-Indrindra, indrindra eo amin’ny ………
7-Ny fampianarany amin’ny ……
8-Ny ankizy sy ny ………..dia samy frantsay.

(3:03 )
B-Miteny gasy ve manambany? Marina sa diso
1-Mbola any Madagasikara dia efa  efa tsy miteny gasy .
2-Ny olona miteny gasy any Madagasikara dia heritreretina fa ambany avokoa.
3-Ny manan-karena any Madagasikara dia miteny frantsay ny sasany.
4-Ny manam-pahaizana rehetra dia miteny frantsay daholo any Madagasikara.
5-Te hampisongadina ny tenany ireo miteny frantsay any Madagasikara.

(5:00) fidio ny valiny marina:marina/diso/tsy fantatra
C-Ahoana ny fandehany rehefa miha-lehibe ny ankizy ka tsy mahay miteny gasy?
a-Faly be izy fa tsy fantatra hoe gasy.
b-Manome tsiny ny ray aman-dreny ny ankizy .
c-Mianatra ireny ny teny gasy ny ankizy rehefa lehibe.

1-Zanakay taty no teraka.
2-Aty no mianatra.
3-Aty no hiasa.
4-Ary efa aty ny fiainany.
5-Ka tsy hita intsony izany ny ilana ny teny Malagasy.
6-Indrindra, indrindra eo amin’ny toeram-pianarany.
7-Ny fampianarany amin’ny teny frantsay.
8-Ny ankizy sy ny mampianatra dia samy frantsay.


C-a-tsy fantatra/diso-b-marina-c-tsy fantatra/diso