

vendredi 7 décembre 2012

How to pronounce the vowel O in Malagasy language?

daôly /daoli/=dôly /doli/=daholo /dahulu/= all of you

The vowel o is always pronounced /u/. But there are some exceptions.

Opening of lips/mouth
Back of the mouth
/u/ (1)
/o/ (2)

(from free wikipedia) Wherever the position of the vowel o, it is pronounced /u/

First syllable
Second syllable
Third/fourth syllable
 olona (people/person) /uluna/

Lafo (expensive) / lafu/

Mololo (hay) /mululu/

Tolona (battle/wresting)
/ tuluna/
Gorodona (wooden floor) /guruduna/
Ronono (milk) /rununu/

Exceptions (2)

The vowel o is pronounced /o/ when the syllable bears an accent, or it is a diphtongue ao/oa. Oa is normally pronounced /u/ in roa/ toa/ moa/koa/ loa/doa. And ao is normally distinctly pronounced aoriana (a-oriana), rasao (rasa-o), izao (iza-o), so on. But here they are  stressed so they become /o/. /o/ is also used for a new word from a foreign language, and adapted to the Malagasy language.

O graphed o pronounced /u/ (1)
O graphed ao/oa/ô pronounced /o/ (2)
Fo (heart ) /fu /
Loko (color) / luku/

 Laoka (meat) /loka/

Mofo (bread) /muff/

Loaka (void/hole)/ loka/
Goaka (hole)  /goka/
Mipoaka (blasting) /m’poka/

Loha (head) / lu’a/

Mibôsy (to work) from boss (Am)  /m’bossi/
Mikilôsy (not fitting) from cloche (Fr) /m’kloss/



A-Put back /o/ [ao/oa/ ô]  or /u/ [O]: and put how you pronounce it /o/ or /u/:

1) V…sazy i Zaka fa maditra.
2) Tsy mahay les…na i Malala.
3) Misol… tena ny mpifidy ny depioté.
4) eo anol…n’ny trano misy magazay ary ao aoriana misy mpanety v..lo.
5) B…r…sio ny nify.
6) Mar… ny mpanao gazety tonga naka sary.
7) Sar…bidy ny aina, fa tsy ananan-dr...
8) ts…ts…tra ny sakaf.. fa tsisy haingitraingitra.

B-How do you pronounce o here?
Listen here 



C- TEXT:  

Put under the vowel o the right pronunciation : /u/ or /o/

Fiainam-pianakaviana – Voatondro ho mampirongatra ny herisetra eo amin’ny mpivady ireo fiangonana sasany

Fombafombam-pivavahana miafara amin’ny herisetra sy fisaraham-panambadiana. Voamarik’ireo mpiantsehatra momba ny fiarovana ny zon’ny olombelona ny firoboroboan’ny herisetra eo amin’ny mpivady hatramin’ny nisian’ireo antokom-pivavahana [ kristianina ] maro samihafa [=sekta]. Samy nanaporofo izany avokoa ireo mpiantsehatra ireo, nandritra ny fifanakalozan-kevitra nokarakarain’ny  »Hetsika kristianina ho fanafoanana ny herisetra » (Acat) teny amin’ny tranomboky monisipaly Analakely.

« Fitarainana manodidina ny 30 isan’andro no voarainay momba ny herisetra sy ny fanolanana eo amin’ny mpivady. Ny fisian’ny fomba ifampifehezana any anatin’ireny fiangonana miforona etsy sy eroa ireny no fototry ny ankamaroan’ny fitarainana », araka ny nambaran-ny mpandrindra nasionalin’ny (Acat).
Voatanisa nandritra ny fifanakalozan-kevitra ireo fomba samihafa mety mitarika fikorontanan’ny fiainam-pianakaviana maro toy ny fisarahan-toerana, ny fanaovana saron-doha, ny fanaovana akanjo rebareba, …. « Heverin’ny lehilahy ho toy ny vehivavy tsy mahava-tena ny vehivavy rehefa manao saron-doha foana, na manao rebareba matetika. Izany fiheverana izany no mitarika ny fanafintohinana ka mahatonga ny herisetra. (....)

 AO RAHA Newspaper 8/12/2012.

audio text  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwDbOGaZ6bSPXzdzT0hFU2tLaEk/edit



A-Put back /o/ [ao/oa/ ô]  or /u/ [O]: and put how you pronounce it /o/ or /u/

1) Voasazy i Zaka fa maditra./o/
2) Tsy mahay lesona i Malala./u/
3) Misolo tena ny mpifidy ny depioté./u/
4) Eo anoloan’ny trano misy magazay ary ao aoriana misy mpanety volo./u//u/
5) Borosio ny nify./u//u/
6) Maro  ny mpanao gazety tonga naka sary./u/
7) Sarobidy ny aina, fa tsy ananan-droa./u//u/
8) Tsotsotra ny sakafo fa tsisy haingitraingitra./u/u/u/

 B-How do you pronounce o here?

(from domino Fr)

voa-: may be pronounced vo-a /u-a/ if it is in the written language and   /vo/ in the oral form ( or when mute h or vowels like i and e are in the following syllables, it is also used as an emphatic stress voatifitra/o/voakapoka/o/)

C- Answers:

 all  o or a-o/o-a are pronounced /u/ except 
foana /o/ fotoana /u//o/ and voa- pronounced vo-a or vo as you like ( in the written language it is vo-a but pronounced it is likely vô)

samedi 24 novembre 2012

Olombelona aho satria... Can you write in malagasy?

Olombelona aho satria... Can you write in malagasy?



 Olombelona aho, satria mahay miakanjo sy mahalala ny haingo antonona ahy.

Jean J. RAJOELISOLO, Tiako ka vakiko, Ed Luthériennes (TPFLM),1971, p99.

Writing task:

Look at the sentence, and use it as an example, if you were
a bird (see the malagasy dictionaries on the web for words).

a bird: manidina (fly), misavoana (float), mandeha lavitra ( go far away), mahita tany (see countries), ...

Vorona aho, satria mahay.....

vendredi 16 novembre 2012

Ny hofatrano? the rent

Ny hofatrano? 

Renting an appartment is quite a problem in Madagascar. Generally speaking, in a list of 208 countries rated according to gross national income per capita for 2003 the World  bank places Madagascar at position 187, just 21 places from the bottom. Concerning the rents, first the buildings do not meet the requirements of a decent place of living. Second because of the recent political problems, many people were fired from their jobs and could not make the ends meet nor pay their rents. On top of that population growth is steadfast although collective house building does not exist.  Moreover the world bank estimates that each Malagasy earns only US$290 per year, although the monthly rent is around 250.000 FMG to 500.000 Fmg (iray alina/ roa alina ariary) for 20m2. Consequently crimes rate increases. Therefore building new low-rent blocks of appartements seems to be the solution. http://mada.moreorless.au.com/problems/

Prices of staple in Madagascar by 01/30/2012

Rice : 1 500 Ar/ 7 500 fmg per kilo
Sugar : 2 500 Ar/ 12 500 fmg per kilo
Flour : 1 800 Ar/ 9 000 fmg per kilo
Oil : 4 700 Ar/ 23 500 fmg  per liter
(source madaplus)

mercredi 14 novembre 2012

ny ankizy teraka taty andafy ve mahay miteny gasy?

watch the video on : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vvl9eRfZwlo

A-Maninona no tsy miteny malagasy ireo ankizy Malagasy teraka taty an-dafy?
Fenoy ny banga amin’ireto teny ireto teny ireto:
-teny Malagasy
- mpampianatra
-teny frantsay


1-Zanakay taty no ….
2-Aty no ….
3-Aty no ….
4-Ary efa aty ny …..
5-Ka tsy hita intsony izany ny ilana ny………..
6-Indrindra, indrindra eo amin’ny ………
7-Ny fampianarany amin’ny ……
8-Ny ankizy sy ny ………..dia samy frantsay.

(3:03 )
B-Miteny gasy ve manambany? Marina sa diso
1-Mbola any Madagasikara dia efa  efa tsy miteny gasy .
2-Ny olona miteny gasy any Madagasikara dia heritreretina fa ambany avokoa.
3-Ny manan-karena any Madagasikara dia miteny frantsay ny sasany.
4-Ny manam-pahaizana rehetra dia miteny frantsay daholo any Madagasikara.
5-Te hampisongadina ny tenany ireo miteny frantsay any Madagasikara.

(5:00) fidio ny valiny marina:marina/diso/tsy fantatra
C-Ahoana ny fandehany rehefa miha-lehibe ny ankizy ka tsy mahay miteny gasy?
a-Faly be izy fa tsy fantatra hoe gasy.
b-Manome tsiny ny ray aman-dreny ny ankizy .
c-Mianatra ireny ny teny gasy ny ankizy rehefa lehibe.

1-Zanakay taty no teraka.
2-Aty no mianatra.
3-Aty no hiasa.
4-Ary efa aty ny fiainany.
5-Ka tsy hita intsony izany ny ilana ny teny Malagasy.
6-Indrindra, indrindra eo amin’ny toeram-pianarany.
7-Ny fampianarany amin’ny teny frantsay.
8-Ny ankizy sy ny mampianatra dia samy frantsay.


C-a-tsy fantatra/diso-b-marina-c-tsy fantatra/diso

samedi 1 septembre 2012

Ny Fary no mamy : sugarcanes are sweet



Rantsankazo : branches, branch

Sampankazo: twigs
Lohahazo-lohankazo : top
Vodihazo: bottom
Ravina: ravinkazo: foliage (leaves)
Faka, fakankazo: taproot, lateral root, radical, root hair zone
Vatankazo: trunk
Tapany ambony: crown
Tapany ambany: bole


Ny hazo no vanon-ko lakana, ny tany naniriany no tsara.
Si l’arbre est bon pour en faire une pirogue, c’est qu’était bonne la terre où il a poussé
If the tree is good to make a canoe, it is the land where she was planted that was good.

Ny hazo tokana tsy mba ala
Un seul arbre ne fait pas la forêt
one tree does not make a forest

Ramalina aza mifehy hazo tokana
un homme prudent noue même un seul tronc d’arbre.
a wise man ties even a single tree trunk.

Hazo avo halan-drivotra
Un arbre trop grand est détesté par le vent.
A tall tree is mistreated by the wind.

Hazo ankadi-làlana ka tenain-drivotra irery.
Un arbre solitaire dans un canyon a le vent comme seul compagnon.
A lonesome tree in a canyon has the wind as her only companion.

Maro ny hazo an’ala fa ny fary no mamy indrindra.
Il y a toutes sortes d’arbre dans la forêt, mais seule la canne à sucre est douce.
There are all kinds of trees in the forest, but only the sugarcane is sweet.

Afaka/azo/mahazo/mahay = modal CAN

CAN= afaka, azo, mahay, mahazo
CANNOT=tsy afaka, tsy mahay, tsy azo, tsy mahazo

Affirmative: Afaka/mahay/azo/mahazo+ verb+aho/izy/ianao
Azo hanina ny voasary. Oranges can be eaten.
Mahazo mandeha ianao. You can go.

Question : afaka/ azo/ mahay/mahazo+verb+ subject?
Azo hanina ve ny voasary? Can oranges be eaten?
Mahazo misotro rano ve? Can I/we drink water?

Negative question: Tsy afaka/tsy azo/tsy mahay / tsy mahazo ve… ianao/izaho?
Tsy afaka mandalo aty amiko ve ianao? Can’t you come to my place?
Tsy mahazo miantso telefona ve? Can’t we give a phone call?

Negative: Tsy +afaka/azo/mahazo/mahay:
Tsy mahay mahandro sakafo aho. I can’t cook.
Tsy mahazo hanina ity. It can’t be eaten (it is forbidden to eat this)

Ability : mahay/afaka/azo
Mahay miteny frantsay aho.
I can speak French
Afaka maheno ahy ve ianao na mandeha aza ny radio?
Can you hear me even though the radio is on?
Ie, afaka aho
Yes, I can.
Mahay mandihy ve ianao? Ie, mahay aho.
Can you dance? Yes, I can.

Impossibility : the impossibility is repeated by can sometimes, so it is deleted or it takes the place of the verb
Tsy afaka (ho avy) ry zareo. Tara ny train.
They can’t come, the train is late.
Tsy (afaka) mahita aho tsisy solomaso.
I can’t see without my glasses.
Tsy afaka mitelina aho.
I can’t swallow.
Tsy mahay mitondra fiara aho.
I can’t drive.

Afaka mipetraka eto ve izaho?
Can I sit here?
An,an,an (tsy afaka).
No, you can’t.
Azo ampidirana tomobilina ve eto?
Can I park the car here?
Tsy mahazo (tsy azo atao izany =tsy azo ampidirana tomobilina eo).
No, you can’t.
Azo hanina ny voasary.
Oranges can be eaten.
Tsy mahazo mivoaka ianao.
You can’t go out.


Complete the sentences:
1-Tsy……………milomano izy. (Swim)
2-……………mihira aho.(Sing)
3-………mandeha mianatra ve ianao? (Go to school)
4-…………..mandeha avion ianao (Take a plane). Simba ny motera.
5-Tsy …….mandalo (Pass this way). Misy lavaka ao aloha ao.


1- Tsy mahay milomano izy. (Swim)
2- Mahay mihira aho.(Sing)
3- Afaka mandeha mianatra ve ianao? (Go to school)
4- Tsy mahazo mandeha avion ianao (Take a plane). Simba ny motera.
5- Tsy afaka mandalo (Pass this way). Misy lavaka ao aloha ao.

dimanche 26 août 2012

Adverbs of time in the Malagasy language: fanamarinam-potoana

Adverbs of time

Point of time (definite)

Avy eo (then)
Misakafo dia avy eo dia mitsangana mandihy.
They eat and then stand up to dance.

Ankehitriny/izao (now)
Ankehitriny dia mipataloha daholo na lahy na vavy.
Now women also put on trousers.
Izao dia mitovy ny lahy sy vavy.
Now men and women are equal.

Androany (today)
Androany ny fitsingerenan’ny taona nahaterahako.
Today is my birthday.

Rahampitso (tomorrow)
Rahampitso aho no handeha hody.
Tomorrow I will go back home.

Androany hariva (tonight)
Androany hariva no hangata-bady azy izy.
Tonight he will ask for her hand.

Omaly (yesterday)
Nanapa-bolo izy omaly.
Yesterday he cut his hair.

Frequency (definite)

Isan-taona (annually/yearly)
Miverina isan-taona ny rivo-doza.
The cyclones strike annually/ yearly.

Isan’andro (daily)
Mila mihinana voankazo isan’andro.
You need to eat fruit daily.

Isaky ny roa herinandro ( fortnight)
Miasa alina aho isaky ny roa herinandro.
I work at night each fortnight.

Isan’ora ( hourly)
Mandalo ny taxibe isan’ora.
Taxibe depart hourly.

Isan-kerinandro (weekly)
Mitsangatsangana aho isa-kerinandro.
Weekly I go for a walk.

Isam-bolana (monthly)
Mandray karama ny mpiasa isam-bolana.
The workers get their pay monthly.

Isan-kalina (nightly)
Mivoaka mandihy ny tanora isan-kalina.
Young people go out dancing nightly.

Isan-telovolana (quarterly)
Manao examen izahay isan-telovolana.
We sit for an examination quarterly.

Frequency (indefinite)

Foana/mazàna (Always )
Manadio trano foana ny renim-pianakaviana.
Housewives always do the chores at home.

Imbetsaka (Constantly )
Imbetsaka no mananatra ny zanany ny ray aman-dreny.
Parents constantly reprimand their children.

Efa ( efa mba) (Ever)
Efa mba nisotro whisky ve izy?
Has he ever driken whisky?

Matetika (Frequently )
Matetika no mandeha mianatra piano izy.
He frequently goes to take piano lessons.

Amin’ny ankapobeny (Generally)
Amin’ny ankapobeny dia ny lehilahy no lohan’ny vehivavy.
Generally men are the head of women.

Tsindraindray (Infrequently)
Manasa lamba tsindraindray izy.
He infrequently washes his clothes.

Mihitsy (Never )
Tsy misy vola mihitsy izy.
He never has money.

Tahaka ny mahazatra ( Normally) (ny fandehany= familiar)
Tahaka dia mahazatra/ ny fandehany dia mivaly ny fanadinana rehefa afaka herinandro.
Normally you get the result of the exam after a week.

Tsindraindray (Occasionally)
Misotro mangidy izy tsindraindray.
He occasionally drinks bitter tea.

Matetika (Often)
Matetika dia manao gatô izy rehefa alahady.
She often bakes a cake on Sundays.

Tsindraindray (Rarely)
Tsindraindray ihany ry zareo no manao vakansy.
They rarely go on holidays.

Araka ny mahazatra/ Isaky ny mandeha (Regularly/usually)
Araka ny mahazatra azy dia manoratra taratasy ho an’ny zanany any an-dafy izy.
She regularly writes letters to her children abroad.

Indray isaky ny mahatsiaro (Seldom)
Indray isaky ny mahatsiaro no mba mividy dibera ry zareo.
They seldom buy butter.

Indraindray (Sometimes)
Indraindray ihany vao manao konfitira aho.
I sometimes make jam.

Relationship in time (indefinite)

Efa (Already)
Efa tonga ny mpanambady.
The bride has already arrived.

Alohan’ny (Before)
Alohan’ny andrahoana sakafo dia sasana aloha izy ireo.
Before you cook the food you have to wash it.

Aloha (Early)
Tonga alohan’ny fotoana ny mpanao fanadinana.
The students arrive early at the examination room.

Aloha kokoa ( Earlier)
Mila miainga aloha kokoa raha te hahatratra lamasinina.
You need to come earlier if you wish to take the train.

Raha sendra afaka/raha sendra manam-potoana (Eventually)
Mandalòva ao amin’ny direktera raha sendra afaka.
Eventually you can come to see the CEO.

Tamin’ny farany (Finally)
Sitrana izy tamin’ny farany.
He finally was healed.

Voalohany (First)
Voalohany dia mitsangana dia avy eo miarahaba.
First you stand up then you bow.

Taloha (Formerly)
Nipetraka teto izy taloha.
He formerly lived here.

Tamin’io (fotoana io) indrindra (Just)
Naneno ny anjomara tamin’io fotoana io indrindra.
The horn rings just at that moment.

Farany indrindra (Lastly)
Farany indrindra dia notapahan’ny mpanambady ny mofomamy.
Lastly the bride and her bridegroom cut the cake.

Taorian’io (Later)
Nakatony ny varavarana ary taorinan’io dia nohidiany tamin’ny lakile.
He later turned the key in the lock after he had shut it.

Tato ho ato (Lately)
Tato ho ato dia manapa-bolo daholo ny vehivavy.
Many women lately cut their hair short.

Taorinan’izany (Next)
Niakatra ny tohatra izy ary taorian’izany dia niditra ny efitra.
He climbed up the steps and next he entered into the room.

Talohan’izany (Previously)
Nitondra tomobilina izy izao fa talohan’izany dia nianatra nitondra aloha.
He is driving the car now but previously he has to learn to drive one.

Vao haingana / Vao teo (Recently)
Vao teo no niantso ny anaranao ny mpampanao fanadinana.
The examiner recently called your name.

Rehefa (Since)
Asio sira ny laoka rehefa mangotraka.
He puts salt on the meat since it has boiled.

Ato ho ato (Soon)
Hahita asa ianao ato ho ato.
You will soon find a job.

Mbola (Still)
Mbola ao ny fakitera raha anontany azy ianao.
The postman is still here if you want to ask him a question.

Mbola tsy (Yet)
Mbola tsy mahay mandeha ny zanako.
My son has not yet learned to walk.

Faha-: during the time of // prefix for ordinal numbers

FAHA- : time adverb/ prefix for ordinal numbers

1-Faha (adverb) : in the time of, in the era of, under the reign of

Fahazaza: youth
Fahagola: in old times

Fahagolantany: unmemorable times
Fahataloha: in ancient times
Fahiny: in the old times, once (once upon a time), in the past time, in the old days
Fahagasy: in the old Malagasy times (before the colonisation of France)

2-Faha ( prefix) for ordinal number (adjective), to define rank

Voalohany: first (the first one)
Faharoa: second
fahatelo: third
Fahefatra: fourth
Fahadimy: fifth
Fahenina: sixth
Fahafito: seventh
Fahavalo: eighth
Fahasivy: ninth
Fahafolo: tenth
Farany: the last one


photo taken from internet


Who am I?
1-Ny namako lehilahy manao blouson maintso no voalohan'ny kilasy.
2-Ny namako manao pataloha jean no faharoan'ny kilasy.
3-Ny namako manao satroka kasikety no fahatelo
4-ary izaho no fahefatra. Iza aho?

Give the rank of everybody in the class


A fahatelo
B izaho: fahefatra
C faharoa
D voalohany

Match the pictures with what you are hearing from the list (first, try without the list):













1-manasa vilia
3-mandeha bus
4-manoratra taratasy
5-mandeha tomobilina
6-mihinana sakafo
7-manadio trano
8-manasa lamba amin'ny machine à laver
9-mampitsangantsangana alika
10-mametraka fanontaniana
11-mahandro sakafo
12-manary zoridira
13-mamaky gazety
14-mamoha olona matory

A..........13.........................mamaky gazety


A-13/ B-10/ C-9/ D-6/ E-2/F-12/G-5/