

jeudi 23 janvier 2025

Ny fanononana ny teny malagasy, malagasy pronunciation

Pronouncing Malagasy words can be quite straightforward once you understand a few basic rules. Here are some tips to help you with Malagasy pronunciation:

1. Vowels

Malagasy vowels are pronounced similarly to vowels in most Romance languages (e.g., Spanish, Italian):

  • A: Sounds like "ah" (as in father)

  • E: Sounds like "ay" (as in say)

  • I: Sounds like "ee" (as in see)

  • O: Sounds like "oo" (as in door) or "oh" (like in go) depending on context

  • Example:

  • "Salama" (hello) is pronounced sah-LAH-mah.

2. Consonants

  • H: Always pronounced, like the English "h" in hello. Example: Manahoana (how are you) is pronounced mah-nah-HOH-ah-nah.

  • R: Rolled lightly, similar to the Spanish "r".

  • Ts: Sounds like "ts" in cats. Example: Tsara (good) is pronounced TSAR-ah.

  • J: Pronounced like the "dz" in adze. Example: Jereo (look) is pronounced dzay-RAY-oo.

  • T: Pronounced with a soft touch, without aspiration (less breathy than in English).

  • K: Also unaspirated, like the "k" in skate.

3. Stress

In Malagasy, the stress typically falls on the second-to-last syllable (penultimate syllable).

  • Example:

    • Misaotra (thank you) is pronounced mee-SOW-trah.

    • Veloma (goodbye) is pronounced vay-LOO-mah.

4. Combining Vowels and Consonants

  • Words often combine vowels smoothly. For example:

    • Anarana (name) is pronounced ah-nah-RAH-nah.

    • Faly mahalala anao (nice to meet you) is pronounced FAH-lee mah-HAH-lah-lah ah-NOW.

5. Diphthongs

Diphthongs (two vowel sounds combined) are pronounced clearly, but as a single syllable:

  • Ai: Sounds like "eye". Example: Mahafaly (to make happy) is pronounced mah-hah-FAH-lee.

  • Ao: Sounds like "ow" (as in how). Example: Ao (here) is pronounced OW.

6. Special Sounds

  • Ng: Pronounced like the "ng" in sing. Example: Tonga (arrived) is pronounced TOO-ngah.

  • Mp: Pronounced as one sound, starting with "m". Example: Mampianatra (to teach) is pronounced MAM-pee-ah-NAH-trah.

7. Speak Slowly and Clearly

Malagasy is a phonetic language, so every letter is pronounced. Don’t rush—take your time to pronounce each syllable.

If you'd like, I can help you with specific words or phrases!