

samedi 30 juin 2012

How to buy some fabrics in the Malagasy market: miantsena lamba/akanjo

She must make her luggage but the list is torn in two, can you help her by putting the words together again?




Some useful expressions:

Inona no mba tadiavin'i Madama? What are you looking for Madam?
Mitady pataloha aho= I would like to buy a pair of trousers
Te hividy kiraro aho= I would like to buy a pair of shoes
Misy gatanana ve ato aminareo? Do you have/ sell gloves?

To describe something

Ny habeny =the size

lehibe/kely/ fohy /lava/tery/malalaka...

ny loko:
maintso, mena, fotsy...

Vita amin'ny :
hoditra, plasitika, hazo (wood), vy (steel), vera (cristal), tany (ceramic), ....

Ny haben'ny kiraro=
firy pointure? pointira? people answer in French : 23, 40, 38, 40

ny haben'ny akanjo=
firy ny taille? ny taila? in French 36, 38, 40, 42, so on

Firy ny poitiranao? manao kiraro quarante/ karanty aho
firy ny tailanao? manao pataloha taila quante-deux/ kanranty-deux aho

Ohatra ny ahoana ny lamba (fabric) tadiavin'i Madama? lasoa (silk)? sa ba (wool)? sa " lin" (linen), sa coton (cotton ), sa cuir (leather)

Your choice:
Ity no tiako / tsy tiako ity : I like this one, I don't like this one
Tery loatra, lehibe loatra, lava loatra ny tongony/tanany... It is too tight/too big/too long on the legs/sleeves

Azo andramana ve? Can I try?
Azo afohezina ve ny tanany/ ny halavan'ny tongony? can you shorten the sleeves/the legs
azonao zairina asiana ourlet ve ny tongony? can you put a hem on the legs?

Misy modely hafa ve? have you another model?
misy taila lehibebe kokoa ve? kelikely kokoa ve? have you a bigger size? a smaller size?